Review: Wordscapist - The Myth (Way of the Word #1)

Publication date: 3rd June 2014
Publisher: Urbane Publications
ISBN: 9781909273184
Source: Publisher
Rating: 3½/5
Wordscapist (n): A legendary wordsmith, usually assumed to be male, who is rumoured to be able to shape reality to his words. Limitless in his powers, and not aligned with the Guild or the Free Word. No proof or evidence of his existence has ever been found. First known usage circa 16th century.
Everything you say is true… somewhere. But for Slick the notion of what is true is becoming very blurred indeed. He always knew the world was one of constant change. He just didn’t expect that change to include witnessing a demon tearing off the head of a stranger. That’s the kind of change that could lead to hearing voices in your head. Which is also happening rather too frequently for Slick’s liking.
But that’s what happens when you’re thrown headlong into the world of wordsmiths, where simple words can shape and reshape reality, and the legend of the Wordscapist becomes more than just an urban myth. Slick must discover the Way of the Word if he is to shape a new reality and discover his true destiny……Buckle up. Hang on. And yes, careful what you say. Everything you say is true… becomes true… somewhere.
The power of words isn't something I'd really thought about before, apart from the old saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me', which doesn't give words any power at all! Words cannot be taken back, so they do hurt, sometimes with devastating consequences.
Wordscapist is well written with rich characters who take turns to narrate chapters. There are quite a lot of characters here, enough for them to get a bit muddled in my head, so I found it rather difficult to keep track of whether different characters were basically good or evil. This made the reading difficult at times, especially when I tried to get back into it after a couple of days away. This book is probably best read in a couple of sittings, as the fascinating fantasy world setting doesn't make for easy dipping in and out.
Although I enjoyed what I read, the difficulties I had are reflected in my rating. This is just my experience and shouldn't discourage others from reading Wordscapist. It remains an intriguing concept that I'm convinced will encourage me to read it again at some point in the future.
*I received a free review copy, in exchange for my honest review*