Review: Waiting For Doggo by Mark B. Mills

Publication date: 20th November 2014
ISBN: 9781472218353
Publisher: Headline
Source: Publisher, Bookbridgr, Netgalley
Score: 5/5
No-one ever called Dan a pushover. But then no-one ever called him fast-teach either. He likes driving slowly, playing sudoko on his iPhone, swapping one scruffy jumper for another. He's been with Clara for four years and he's been perfectly happy; but now she's left him, leaving nothing but a long letter full of incriminations and a small, white, almost hairless dog, named Doggo. So now Fan is single, a man without any kind of partner whether working or in love. He's just one reluctant dog owner. Find a new home for him, that's the plan.
When I first heard about Doggo I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy. Luckily, I received a proof copy to read and review prior to publication.
This is not your usual doggy tale. Doggo is not your typical doggy character, with his decidedly unattractive appearance and nonchalant attitude towards his reluctant owner. He's also what makes this such a refreshingly different, wonderfully funny and beautifully heart-warming story. It brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. Once I'd started, I couldn't put it down until I'd got to the end and discovered Doggo's (and Dasn's!) fate. It's quite simply the best book I've read this year.
I urge everyone to read Doggo, dog lover or not. You won't be disappointed!