Review: Back to the Boy by James Arthur

Back to the Boy - James Arthur

Published by:  Hoddor & Stoughton (5th  October 2017)


ISBN: 978-1473665880


Source:  Purchased


Rating:  5*




There are many things people don't know about me and maybe when they read about those things they will have an understanding of the journey I have been on and why I've made the mistakes I have.

Nothing that has happened in my adult life makes much sense if you don't know what life was like for me growing up. I have to go back to the boy, because he can tell you a lot more than I can...

In this book James shares his struggles with mental health issues which led to drug-abuse, and how he dealt with the feelings of intense pressure and loneliness that accompanied his sudden rise to fame. Back to the Boy gives an insight into the life of one of the most exciting musicians of today, and how his experiences are reflected in the blend of raw emotion and passion in his music. This is a story of hope and self-discovery to inspire those who have ever hit rock-bottom and managed to pick themselves up again.




Wow.! Back to the Boy is unputdownable! I read it cover to cover in one sitting, and was utterly transfixed. 2012 X Factor winner and Sane mental health ambassador, James Arthur, really does bare his soul in this refreshingly honest and unflinchingly raw account of his life thus far. A rags-to-riches story you may have heard before, but this one is quite different. This one made me sit up and take notice. Now it all makes sense. The behaviour. The drugs. Everything. 

The candid account of life as a young boy and the struggles as an adult trying to cope with mental health issues make for uncomfortable reading at times and can certainly stir up emotions you may not even be aware are there. I found this so insightful, as a fan and as a reader too.  I just want to give James a great big hug. I'm seeing him live (for the second time) next month, so you never know...maybe I'll get the opportunity! 

If you, or someone close to you has mental health issues, depression, anxiety, panic need to read this book, or buy it for them! The book is intelligently written, flows well and has enough high points to balance out the low. I think James's openness in Back to the Boy could help a great many people who are struggling, and it would also make the perfect gift for every James Arthur fan. #JArmy